放射 成像科学s

MS in 放射 & 成像科学s (Online) Program

<跨度>的 Master of Science in 放射<跨度> 和成像科学计划提供了专业的发展领域 放射<跨度> and imaging 政府, 放射<跨度> 影像教育、超声、放射治疗、CT、PET/CT和MRI. 目前,只有行政和教育专业接受申请. 当可用的, 该学位的所有课程对具有放射学认证的申请人开放, nuclear medicine, radiation therapy, 超声, 剂量测定法, cardiovascular interventional technology, 库里, and PACS administration. 这是一个为期一年的高管课程,在网上提供. A hybrid version of the degree will be offered in the near future.


个人认证或注册的放射和成像科学学科之一 Radiography (RTR), Radiation 的rapy (RTT), Nuclear Medicine (RTN or CNMT), Sonography (RDMS), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (ARMRIT), Cardiovascular Interventional Technology (RCES, 必要性, or 放射剂量测试员 (CMD). 

Expected Outcomes 


  • 批判性地阅读和理解RIS中与管理或教育相关的科学文献.  
  • 详细描述当前正规澳门平台十大赌博RIS管理或RIS教育的知识和理论.  
  • Express graduate level professional ideas orally. 
  • Demonstrate the ability to integrate graduate-level theoretical, 分析, re搜索 and practical skills into professional practice.  


What Our Students Have to Say...

获得放射学管理硕士学位给了我在职业生涯中迈出下一步所需的视角和信心. At 基督教社会联盟DH I found the courage to go after what I wanted, which led to me applying and immediately landing a management position. 我永远感激一路上的鼓励和指导.


参加苏德大学的硕士学位课程是我为自己做过的最好的事情之一。. 的 program was not easy by any means; however, it is extremely rewarding. 而注册, 我被加州大学旧金山分校聘为诊断影像部的总经理. Pursuing my degree helped secure my new role. 的 professors are experienced, 知识渊博的, and most importantly, 可帮助学生解决他们有任何问题或他们寻求指导. 的 program is executive style and fully online. It fit with my professional/personal lifestyle. 如果获得放射学硕士学位是你的梦想, this program is designed to help you make that dream a reality.


的 Master’s degree in 放射 and 成像科学s has enabled me to take more of a 领导 role in my department and offer a higher level of patient care.  我强烈推荐给任何想要发展放射学事业的人.

<跨度>—Erin Chin2021届毕业生

这个项目让我更多地了解了成像的不同领域,以熟悉他们的设备和要求. When it comes to learning about 领导 and managing a team, 这个项目让我们看到了我们管理部门的方式是如何演变成一个类似于家庭的环境的 more so than someone being a ‘worker.“我们是一个团队! After graduating, 我有机会更多地领导部门,体验如何管理一个团队以及指导我们的实习生. 我现在升职了,这让我非常兴奋! 


放射与影像科学硕士项目极大地改变了我的教学理念和教学方法. 的 education tract exposed me to different teaching methods, and effective ways to reach my students through active learning. 把我在这个项目中学到的东西付诸实践,绝对会对我澳门十大赌场注册平台和我的职业生涯有好处.

<跨度>R射线.2021届毕业生 (current doctoral student)

在我的学术生涯中,我很幸运地得到了Dr. Tilson,博士. 赛义德说,许多教授和我的同龄人参与了严格的课程. 作为一名全职的医院放射技师,我的时间管理能力得到了充分的锻炼 in addition to being enrolled full-time at 基督教社会联盟DH; yet, I have seen myself challenged to grow academically, 专业, and personally in such a short time.

<跨度>P -米歇尔.2021届毕业生

自2021年在深圳理工大学完成放射与成像科学硕士学位以来, 我已经成功地将我的热情转化为在课堂上教授未来的超声学生. Having the master’s degree has opened doors, 这也让我在申请教育职位时比其他人有了明显的优势. 最近, 我被招募来为一个超声检查项目编写课程 at an educational institution in Southern California!


这个项目帮助我在[一家大医院]获得了影像部助理主任的职位。.  的 facility I am at now is a small community hospital. 我要去的那家医院的放射科比我现在所在的医院大三倍. I will be overseeing ultrasound and MRI.


By obtaining my Master of Science degree in 放射 & 成像科学, I was able to understand the entire field of radiology in-depth, as opposed to only the field of ultrasound, which is my specialty.  When patients ask me about CT scans, MRI, & Nuclear medicine, I can now answer their questions with confidence. 基督教社会联盟DH的在线课程让我可以继续全职工作,同时仍然在家和家人在一起. I am forever grateful for the opportunity. Was it challenging? Absolutely, but it was possible. 的 professors were very 知识渊博的, accommodating, & you felt like they wanted you to succeed.

<跨度>deb H.2021届毕业生

这个项目让我对放射学的其他部门有了更好、更深入的了解. 这个项目在家庭和全职工作中绝对是可以实现的! I received a promotion to Quality Control Technologist…with a raise. 我选择了, 在此期间,我希望留在我目前的职位上,但希望在未来几年能深入临床应用的世界. 我非常感谢这个项目和工作人员帮助我完成硕士学位的目标!

<跨度>-Shaina C.2022届毕业生<.span>

[T]he program enabled me to do my job better. 由于这个学位,明年我将升职.  我也成为了专业发展委员会的主席,这也是我在这个项目中学到的信息的结果. 的 program was convenient for my life, as it allowed me to work on homework in the evening and weekends, working around my work schedule.


[在]项目, I learned a lot of soft skills… I honed my critical thinking skills, interpersonal communication, 领导, and collaboration [skills]. 我可以说我能把工作做得更好,而且我得到了奖金. I am not in the process of applying for a new job yet. I love my current job as a lead cardiac cath technologist. 的 program was super convenient, studying at your own pace, 你不会被迫忽视生活中的其他责任,比如家庭和工作. I was working full-time and taking calls for the hospital. 


我的MS-RIS学位的完成帮助我面试并接受了一个新的职位,即长滩纪念护理卓越乳房中心的临床主管. 我有一个由15名乳房x光检查技师和9名辅助人员组成的团队,包括向我汇报工作的护士导航员. 该设施有两个地点,有8台乳房x光机和5台美国单位,均经ACR认证. 拥有超过20年的行业经验和导演的支持, 我已经能够创造一个环境,让技术人员感到支持和重视. 的 staff are very engaged and, working together, 为了改善他们的工作经验,我们做出了重大改变.


MS-RIS Program 联系信息rmation

Program Coordinator: Dr. 埃尔温Tilson

ris@vig2.net  •  912-663-7578  •  linkedin.com/in/elwin-tilson-9803046

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